Mentor: R106 Research Lab
Jan 2023 - Present
R106 is a mini research lab that started out as a personal venture of one of my mentors. My first publication was a result of me joining R106 when it was initially set up, and I am proud to have grown into a mentor for the same mini lab. One of my latest publications, "From Prejudice to Parity", is in collaboration with my mentee from this group!

ACM-W Manipal: Vice Chairperson
Co-Founder: NLP Research Study Group
In an effort to motivate more undergraduate women to pursue research oriented careers, I co-founded an intra-community NLP research study group. As a part of this community, I lead discussions on recently published NLP research papers.
August 2020 - August 2021
Co-Founder: Mentor-Mentee System
I helped establish a mentor-mentee system to provide a collaborative platform for like minded women with similar technical interests. As a part of this system, I am currently mentoring five sophomores who have shown interest in NLP.
ACM-W is an organization that works toward the empowerment and encouragement of women in computer science. The ACM-W Manipal community is one with over 100 members dedicated to this cause. As Vice Chairperson, I have helped organize events, workshops and established several community activities:

As a writer by hobby, I am a firm believer of the saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword". I have written for many organizations during the course of my undergraduate degree. They are as follows:​
Manipal Blog:
July 2018 - September 2020
As a writer in Manipal Blog, I've written many articles covering a plethora of topics, ranging from rape culture to environmental issues. My articles can be found here.

Her Campus Manipal:
August 2020 - May 2021
As a writer at Her Campus Manipal, I've helped organize events to spread awareness about breast cancer, break the taboo around sex education and written about a variety of relevant social issues. My articles can be found here.

Machine Learning Blogger:
July 2019 - Present
I maintain a blog channel that explains basic machine learning algorithms in an effort to explain the math and science behind machine learning to beginners.
Class President
I have been the class president for the last two years. This has provided me with the opportunity to learn how to interact with a community of diverse students and professors who have a plethora of talents, as well as understand how to communicate effectively in diverse groups.